Remember when we were in that bar and Y said to that drunk, "Because you are intoxicated, Y am gonna do you a favor and give you some information."
Now, Y am going to do the same favor for you. Hear the information:
- When you left here, even though you stole everything of MYNE that you wanted, you gave up your ability to abuse ME. Now, Y function much better than Y did. Racko.
- When the judge kept saying that someone should get a lawyer, he was talking to miss, misses, and misser will-sin. Racko.
- If you can get a lawyer to talk to you, if its an honest lawyer you will be told to settle with ME. Racko.
- Since lawyers are in business to make money, you will probably not get an honest lawyer. Instead, you will get a lawyer who wants to draw things out, so you have to pay a lot of legal fees. Racko.
- Ruby and Rusty are red. Y, Who am also red, paid for them with a red tractor and a lot of green. They came home in a red trailer that cost $800. 8 is MY number. You like green, but instead of having green tractors, like Y do, you think you have those red horses. But, you are only spending a lot of green to feed them for ME until they come HOME. Racko.
- The judge told ME to write a lot of motions and unless you have a lawyer, you three defendants are going to have to figure out what to do when they are served on you. Racko.
- How are you enjoying that screaming baby and the post-partum ho'moans of your GF? Racko.
- C u n Court. Racko.
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